Not everyone is fortunate enough to have been the first love of the sacred enemy. Thus, the story is nothing to make you see the heavy, uncomfortable.


1. Do not torment of the past
First love is beautiful but fragile relationship, fragile, so be happy that you and he more or less has the experience to avoid the "trail vehicle" of the breakup. Instead of grudge, tormented him because of the impasse into question as "why I love her," 'em and who better than her, "" I still miss her, no, "then confidently look on the front and let time take care of your emotions more than salty.

2. Do not compare
Do not be naive compared with his first love. You are you and you have your own appeal. Be confident with his love for you.

3. Avoid learn
Do not learn the depth of his past only to lament jealous, you have no right to ask him to burn or tear away the photos, old letters. If your love for deep, he himself know how to handle how memories. Think that if he was a throw past easy it is not likely to respect what the present.

4. Sympathetic
If he compares you and want you to like her former lover, please feel sympathy for him because he also needs time to recover from emotional shock. Prove by time and love that you love him but is a completely different person. He will know how to look at myself and learned Once there before rupture.

5. Trust
If man's first love too "terrible" left him no good thinking about women, you are forgiven but not weak. Take care and give him the pleasure in life, do not require bi implicated him to pay attention to you immediately. He will know true love is and how you would like to add more.
Also, you should also note a few things:
- Do not be so guilt "latecomer" to accept him catch his hands, still with the old procrastination.
- Let's stick with a small family of man, with his mother, sister, sister, friend him, the more you understand more about past feelings previous to himself he learned to love the body.
- Do not take sex as a weapon bind him, he will not respect you first.
- Take time to listen to him talk about the past, but not critical. He needs you to share, to listen rather than give advice. Be silent and sympathetic.
- Do not look old or who meet old friends in hopes to learn more about the past of him. Live for today and do not let the current broken because of your jealousy of the recent past.